Can 3D Printing Be Used as a Ministry Tool?

Did you know 3D printing can be used as a ministry tool? Our ministry was built on providing technical needs to churches, Christian camps, andmany other ministries. We would be negligent if we overlooked opportunities that 3D printingtechnology can provide for ministries! Although representing TECH at events and meetings is not a direct benefit to […]

What is a Responsive Website and Why Do You Need One?

Responsive Website

When it comes to designing a website for your church, organization, or ministry, it’s important to design a responsive website. What’s a responsive website, though? Wikipedia defines a responsive website design as the following: “Responsive web design (RWD) or responsive design is an approach to web design that aims to make web pages render well on a variety of devices […]

How to Edit a WordPress Website

Edit a Wordpress Website

Are you needing to edit a WordPress website? Editing WordPress websites is very similar to editing a Microsoft Word document is just a matter of learning where to look for the tools you need. In this tutorial we will take a brief look at how to edit a WordPress site and where to find the […]

How to Create Professional Videos for Fundraising Presentations

Create Videos for Fundraising Presentations

As a video editor I am often brought video shoot by missionaries from the field wanting it editedinto a professional looking video for use when visiting their supporters for fundraising presentations. Usually the videos have been shot using a cell phone, GoPro or sometimes a small handheld video camera. Quite often, the videos are virtually […]

What We Need to Design Your Website

website information

Below is the information we will need in order to design a website for your ministry/organization: If you aren’t sure where it is God is calling you to serve yet, check out TECH Team Advantage! We offer full-time, part-time, internship, and volunteer opportunities to like-minded missionaries, churches, and Christian organizations who long to make an impact […]

Websites vs. Domain Names

We often have clients asking us to explain the difference between websites vs. domain names. It can get confusing! So, we decided to write a blog post about it! In short, your ministry or mission organization needs both a website and a domain name. You can’t have one without the other! What’s a website? A […]

How to Design Missionary Prayer Cards

Have you considered mailing out missionary prayer cards? Prayer cards are utilized by missionaries around the globe to communicate with their friends, family members, and supporters as they share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are a way to keep your basic information and ways to donate and contact you in front of them. When […]

What is SEO and Why Should You Care?

What is SEO and Why Should You Care? What is SEO? Why should you care? Search Engine Optimization (SEO) maximizes the number of visitors to a particular website. SEO strategically positions your website so potential clients can discover it while surfing the net. It does this by ensuring the site appears high on the list […]

File Upload

For ease of uploading you can zip all of your files into one folder. (Select your files, right click and select ‘compress’ or ‘zip’) Each upload has a 2 GB limit. Be sure and tell us in the message line who the file is for. Do not close the page until the file upload is complete.

See our Template Page to download Templates if you wish to create your own design
(Please see our Graphic Guidelines for how to prepare your files and how to Zip files.)

Upload elements for your design OR upload your finished design.

If you have any questions please contact us at or call us at 903-757-4530

Quick Donation

TECH Team relies on donations and sponsorships for funds in order to continue providing professional and affordable services specific to the needs of like-minded missionaries, churches, and Christian organizations around the world.