History of TECH Team
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- History of TECH Team
Missionary TECH Team (now TECH Team Advantage) was founded in 1968 by Birne Wiley, alongside his friend, Dave Carnahan.
Throughout his childhood, Birne listened to missionaries who frequently visited his family’s home share challenges in their work of sharing the Gospel. They often found themselves needing things like building plans for a new church plant, visual communication pieces, and other resources beyond their expertise and means. The time and finances required to meet these needs hindered their evangelism efforts. A seed was planted in Birne’s heart for a different kind of mission agency.
As the years progressed, Birne cultivated that seed, walked in step with the Spirit, and allowed God to equip him for what lay ahead. He graduated from LeTourneau University with a degree in Industrial Engineering with an emphasis on Building Design and Construction which God would use to make an impact for eternity.
Birne developed a relationship with Dave Carnahan, who had recently graduated from John Brown University with a B.S. degree in Building Construction and Design. The two shared the same vision from God to develop an organization that would address the technical needs of mission organizations worldwide, a new concept in the world of missions.
This vision grew into Missionary TECH Team—a service organization designed to provide professional services, freeing missionaries to better do the work for which God had called and gifted them. In 1968, Missionary TECH Team was officially born. By 1974, TECH had grown so much it expanded from a home to a permanent office compound.
TECH initially provided engineering and construction services. By God’s grace, the increase in staff members accompanied the increase in project requests. Individuals who felt called to use their professional skills in ministry (but weren’t sure how!) caught wind of this new organization. Applications began coming in from across the United States.
Missionary TECH Team has always been very reactionary in nature. Organizations come to us with a specific need, and we work to create the solution. This has resulted in many service areas over the years:
TECH now offers four main areas of service providing affordable solutions; assisting churches and mission organizations across the globe as they carry out the Great Commission and preach the Gospel to every nation!
TECH began with providing architectural and engineering services. As we added other solution areas this grew and was refined into a comprehensive service area that provides project analysis services all the way through construction support services.
One need that came to our attention early on was missionaries and organizations need for help communicating and telling their story. In 1974, the Graphic Arts (now Media Solutions) service area was initiated. It’s focus is on visual communication pieces, including AV solutions and videos, along with graphic design, websites, literature, and displays, with many creative applications.
We quickly became aware that missionaries struggle to find an affordable, dependable car for their year of furlough and then have to sell it right before they go back to the field. 1987 saw the addition of Mechanical Services (now Vehicle Solutions), leasing reliable transportation to missionaries on furlough and other church workers at a low cost.
In 2000, we began Computer Services (now Software Solutions), which initially just installed and maintained computer networks. We began producing management software and mobile apps in 2002. Now, this service area creates specialized software and apps for missions around the world, some of which are sold through app stores.
In 1996, Birne Wiley had a heart attack. This created an awareness of TECH’s need to find someone to succeed our Founder, CEO, and President. Once again, a seed was planted, but it wasn’t until 20 years later that God would bring someone to fill that role.
Randy Harris initially joined the team as a draftsman in the early 80s. As time went on, he felt God calling him to serve another mission where he remained for 30 years. Along the way, God prompted him to serve TECH by joining the Board of Trustees, where he was later appointed Chairman. The Lord eventually brought him and his wife Connie back to TECH in 2014 to serve full-time. Harris succeeded Birne Wiley as President of Missionary TECH Team in 2015.
In 2024, after helping TECH grow and change in many key areas, Randy and Connie retired from full-time mission service. Justin and his wife Lee were both full-time pilots. While in flight school, Justin wrote and designed websites, feeling like he was supposed to use those skills for God’s Kingdom someday. In 2012, they were introduced to TECH’s ministry, and Justin and Lee quickly developed a passion for what we do. That passion led Justin to accept the role of webmaster while continuing to fly commercially, and later, step into the role of team lead for the Media Solutions service area. His strong personal and leadership skills caught Randy’s eye. Randy approached him about training for the potential role of president of TECH. Toward the end of 2023, God confirmed this calling in Justin and Lee’s hearts, and through a series of unexpected circumstances and the approval of the TECH board, Justin was installed as our new president in February of 2024.
From completing nine projects in the 1960s to having completed more than 18,000 projects, as we move forward, we are reminded again and again that this is God’s work. He has breathed it into existence, sustained it, and more than adequately provided for it. It’s easy to count and track projects, but it’s impossible to measure the impact Missionary TECH has had on eternity.
We count it a privilege to serve churches, missionaries, and organizations across the world!
Get INvolved: help make an impact on the world. TECH Team’s focus is on helping Missions and Churches spread the word of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Joins us on our mission.
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If you have any questions please contact us at
gsorders@techteam.org or call us at 903-757-4530