Lease Application

According to our live database of confirmed leases current vehicle availability is:
Car (4 to 10 yrs old):
Lease available today for as long as you need it

Minivan (4 to 10 yrs old):
Longest lease available today is 7 days
Earliest lease date for unlimited days is 09-09-25

Minivan (3 yrs and newer):
No vehicles currently available
Earliest lease date for unlimited days is 10-04-25

Car (3 yrs and newer):
No vehicles currently available
Earliest lease date for unlimited days is 09-15-25

Car (older than 10):
Lease available today for as long as you need it

Minivan (older than 10):
No vehicles currently available
Earliest lease date for unlimited days is 08-15-25

If you do not find something available, you can still submit a lease application. You can be put on a waiting list or we may also be able to shift things around to accomodate you if something changes.

Please read the Vehicle Lease Information. A completed application and the $50 application fee is required to be able to hold a vehicle for you. Upon approval of your application we will process the non-refundable application fee provided, whether in check or credit card format.

Please fill out and submit the following lease application in order to get started reserving a vehicle.

Note: Please print a copy of this form for your records prior to submitting it.

* required information - if it truly doesn't apply enter None or N/A

Vehicle Pick up and Drop off

Field Information

Home Information

Mission Information

Home Church Information

Information on Vehicle Needs

/ /
/ /

*Will this vehicle be your only source of transportation:


Please note: You cannot pickup a vehicle until we have a copy of your proof of insurance as described in Vehicle Lease Information.

Information on Principal Driver

Information on Secondary Driver

Payment Information

Note: We need to receive the $50 application fee in order to reserve the vehicle for you. As we respond to you via e-mail or phone please get this to us as soon as possible.

Eligibility Form

TECH Team must have an eligibility form filled out for your ministry if we have not worked with it in the past. We do not need one for each missionary, just one per organization.

Verification code:

After clicking the "submit" button, a page will be displayed that indicates that your information has been sent.  TECH will contact you shortly thereafter.


Get INvolved and help make an impact on the world. TECH Team focuses on helping Missionaries spread the word of Jesus Christ throughout the world. We can use passionate people to help us on our mission. 


See our Missionary Service List to
see how we can best assist you.

Quick Donation

TECH Team relies on donations and sponsorships for funds in order to continue providing professional and affordable services specific to the needs of like-minded missionaries, churches, and Christian organizations around the world.