Bill & Karen Myers



(Our missionary staff raise their own paychecks. They are supported by donations from other individuals, businesses, and churches. Our staff receive 100% of the gifts designated for them.)

About Bill & Karen


My wife Karen and I have served the Lord in construction related short-term missions projects since 1996. Retiring in 2012 we served full time as volunteers in TECH’s Facility Solutions area and also with other construction related ministries. In 2021 we came on full time at just TECH Team. My roll as Construction Services Representative includes project management services during the construction phase of a client’s project. I also oversee the maintenance of the office, RV part, shop, grounds and TECH’s other property.

I have 21 years of experience as an Engineering Assistant in the Air Force, 15 years as Project Manager of a major medical facility, and 17 years as a General Contractor. I hold a BA in Business Management.


My husband, Bill, and I have served the Lord in construction related short-term mission projects since 1996. Retiring in 2012, we now traveled in our RV doing this full-time by volunteering at TECH for a few months and various ministries around the country. Now we live in Longview, Texas where Bill serves full-time with TECH and me part time. I have 6 years experience as an Administrative Specialist in the Air National Guard and years of assisting my husband with his various construction related businesses. I enjoy assisting in anyway I can at TECH, being a receptionist, helping in Graphic Services, and helping my husband in the various maintenance and construction projects he is assigned.

Contact Bill & Karen

 Sign up for their newsletter and/or to partner with them in prayer.


Join Bill & Karen's support team.


(Four ways to give financially.)

ETF (Electronic Fund Transfer)

Direct reoccurring transfers from your bank.

(This is best for ongoing support as there are no fees so your whole donation is received.)

Give by Check

Please make all checks payable to TECH Team Advantage. Please do not write in the memo line, instead, include a separate note designating your gift for The Myers ministry area.

Please select the Myers Ministry area on the form. You have the option of a one-time gift or reoccurring support.

Select Myers’s ministry area, then click the ‘donate’ button:

Thank you!

Because TECH Team is an IRS 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your contribution may be tax deductible.
Please contact your tax advisor for any questions you may have regarding your specific gift.

File Upload

For ease of uploading you can zip all of your files into one folder. (Select your files, right click and select ‘compress’ or ‘zip’) Each upload has a 2 GB limit. Be sure and tell us in the message line who the file is for. Do not close the page until the file upload is complete.

See our Template Page to download Templates if you wish to create your own design
(Please see our Graphic Guidelines for how to prepare your files and how to Zip files.)

Upload elements for your design OR upload your finished design.

If you have any questions please contact us at or call us at 903-757-4530

Quick Donation

TECH Team relies on donations and sponsorships for funds in order to continue providing professional and affordable services specific to the needs of like-minded missionaries, churches, and Christian organizations around the world.