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- TECH Team Solutions for ministries
- Facility Solutions for ministries

We are committed to providing like-minded churches and Christian organizations around the world with effective, efficient, and innovative facilities to help them meet their ministry needs and reach their ministry goals.
Our team of seasoned professional architects, engineers, and designers understands the unique aspects of Christian ministries and the building environments needed in order to spread the Gospel more effectively.

Architectural Design Services:
Gathers needed facilities information before beginning the design
- Feasibility Studies: considers facility needs, methods of accomplishment, location requirements, personnel requirements, codes and regulations
- Financial Analysis: provides conceptual budget projections
Location and Site Analysis: reviews survey of sites, land uses, relationships to surroundings and to transportation, climatological considerations, codes and regulations - Building Programming: considers space requirements and relationships, occupancy requirements, facility design, construction scheduling, and site and climate requirements
Clarifies the size, number, and location of spaces needed to fit your vision and facilities needs
- Complete evaluation of space requirements, site arrangements along with pertinent building codes will be used to develop an Architectural Program for solving the space needs of the ministry and programs
- Overall layout and relationships with all ministries and programs will be analyzed together
- We can also develop requirements for equipment and furnishings
Combines all site analysis, programming, and ministry goals into a long-range facility development plan, encompassing all existing and proposed facilities
- TECH will develop an overall Master Plan for your site, containing all of your ministry’s missions, visions, goals and the Architectural Program
- The use of any existing facilities will be included in the Master Planning
- The Master Plan will also relate to the site’s topography, consider pedestrian and vehicle routing through the site, and address environmental conditions
Allows you to share your vision using visualizations of your new facility
- We can prepare digital rendering displays of the project to help share your vision
- We can also develop computer generated animations of your project that fly over and/or walk through the facility
Takes your vision and turns it into reality with construction-ready documents
- Schematic/Preliminary Design–We will design and develop proposed Floor Plans and Building Elevations to a schematic level of completion
- Preliminary Estimates–These are cost estimates based on the Schematic/ Preliminary Design and helps your ministry to begin setting fundraising goals
- Design Development–We further develop the architectural and engineering designs, considering materials and building systems in greater detail
- Construction Document Phase–We develop Construction Documents complete with structural, mechanical and electrical details sufficient for obtaining bids from selected contractors
We can assist with limited support services during the construction of your new facilities
- We assist with obtaining Bids and Construction Contracts
- We can provide review of Shop Drawing Submittals
- We can make visits to review construction progress as requested
- We can provide on-site on-going construction services
For those ministries with a particular need
- Landscape Design: provides you with an aesthetically pleasing landscaping design for your site that fits your maintenance requirements
- Interior Design: provides choices for your finished interiors, with colors, materials, and furnishing
- LEED Services: we analyze and coordinate our facility design with leading energy conservation features and environmental standards
…God-centered, faith-based, prayer-driven Capital Campaign solutions
Do you need help developing a capital fund campaign for your ministry?
For over 65 years, TECH Team has taught like-minded churches and ministries around the world how to raise funds for project development.
In 2015, TECH hosted a four-day fund development symposium. This information is available in a DVD set or download, along with a 66-page workbook.

Available in DVD or download
- DVD 1: Fund Development Principles (Part 1)
- DVD 2: Fund Development Principles (Part 2)
- DVD 3: Capital Campaign Planning (Part 1)
- DVD 4: Capital Campaign Planning (Part 2)
Workbook Outline:
- Developing an audit
- Evaluation criteria
- Donor data information
- Forms & congregational survey assessments
- Guidelines for campaign master planning meeting
Registered Architect
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Civil Engineer
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Electrical Engineer
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Structural Engineer
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Mechanical Engineer
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Check for Eligibility
We have established a policy of only providing our services and products to like-minded organizations. Please see our Eligibility section to begin this process.
We have the solutions you can afford!
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Get INvolved: help make an impact on the world. TECH Team’s focus is on helping Missions and Churches spread the word of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Joins us on our mission.