Our goal is to provide your ministry with a visually compelling, professional website that can easily be found on the web.
Get a Custom Website!
20 hours of customized design time
Additional design time: $20 per hour
Website maintenance: FREE
View a portfolio of some of our recent sites to get an idea of what kind of website we can create for you.
Each slide tells you how many design hours it took and what work we did on them in addition to hosting, domain name, building the website, and optimizing for SEO.
ARK Awana software
ARK Awana Record Keeping Software website
Design time 10.7 hours
The original website was confusing in organization and looked pretty much like a word document. We provided a complete restructure and rewrite (UX design) of the existing website. The brand look was developed from the logo. Images were developed off of the existing logo, which was available in Vector form, allowing for quick pullouts of aspects of the logo.
The initial website was 23 hours. The client's ministry has expanded and new sections have been added over the years. The website includes numerous images for the sliders and map. All were sent at very low quality. Fixing them up greatly bloated the design hours. This site is not built in the Elementor plugin though it uses a professional theme.
Note that the map on the "Map of Our Work" under the About section is a custom software developed by our Software Solutions area.
This website combines the Women's CMJC and the Men's CMJC of Gregg county websites into one. The home page lets you go to either website. General text was provided for the men's side in one document. The site was UX designed for information flow and then updated text was sent. All images for the men's side were found by us and developed. The woman's side was an existing site we just rebuilt in Elemetor Pro
This was a new website for a ministry which had been operative but needed a way to raise and receive funds. We were provided a one page write up telling who they are and what they do, along with a pile of mostly poor quality images. We re-wrote up all the information along with some research (UX design) and fixed images up for the website. We also redrew their logo as it was very poor quality. This site is not built in the Elementor plugin though it uses a professional theme.
This was an existing website. We reorganized most of the information and rewrote much of the content for better clarity, including their mission statement (UX design). We also created a whole new logo for them and found almost all images. The few that were provided were poor quality. We fixed those up.
This was a brand new website for an existing ministry that is still in development. The ministry coordinates other ministries in the West CAR area of Africa. The purpose of the website is to establish themselves as legitimate and garner grants and other ministries to coordinate with. We were given a copy of their prospectus to write and organize the website off of along with some low quality images. We did a total write-up, incorporating their information with some research of our own on conditions in CAR, along with UX design. This site is not built in the Elementor plugin though it uses a professional theme.
This website is more extensive than we typically build, holding thousands of resources for prison ministries. It was built in 2021 and added to extensively over the past 3 years. Write ups were provided. We provided UX design and found and prepared almost all images. This site is not built in the Elementor plugin though it uses a professional theme.
This scholarly website had multiple administrators over the years, each one adding their own style and multiple plugins. It was a hot mess and responded very slowly. The initial design time including us removing all administrators but us and one other person and then removing or replacing unnecessary or incompatible plugins. We then completely restructured the content and restyled it (UX design). We frequently add updates for events and recently converted the whole website to Elementor Pro, and removed even more plugins, making the site even faster loading.
This website also now has software developed by our Software Solutions area, saving them hundreds of dollars a year in plugins.
Initial design time 20.7 hours. Total Design time 28.51
This website was originally built in 2021-22 for 20.7 hours. They provided a write up, some good images and a lot of low quality images. We provided UX design along with image development. In 2023 they asked for a new fund raising section. In order to do this well we rebuilt the whole website in the Elementor Pro plugin. This was an additional 7.81 hours.
This website was written off of a short overview provided along with interviews with Jean Claude and Anna. With the low quality images provided we put together this website, providing UX design and image development in the design of the website. This site is not built in the Elementor plugin though it uses a professional theme.
Northwood Church wanted the simplest website possible, where people could just get a glimpse of what they are about and a place to give tithes. The one image used was pulled from their Facebook page. This site is not built in the Elementor plugin though it uses a professional theme.
This was an existing site which looked like word documents and was a bit confusing. We rewrote and restructured the whole site (UX design), branded a whole new look, and prepared all the images from low quality images provided.
This is a new website solidifying a new ministry. The site will be expanded later after the ministry expands. For now this provides information to prospective ministry clients. Clear text, good quality images and logo along with image ideas were provided. We divided the info up and organized it and developed some images for them.
Note: Pricing is based on TECH hosting your domain name and website. If you are hosted or have your domain name registered elsewhere the cost will be adjusted.
Get started on your dream website today?
What you get:
Pricing adjustments
Pricing is based on us hosting your domain name and website. If you are hosted or have your domain name registered elsewhere the cost will be adjusted.
Pricing is also based on a website that takes 20 hours to complete. If your website is completed under that we will adjust the price. If it goes over 20 hours we will contact you before we do any more work.
What platform our websites are built in:
We work primarily in WordPress, using the Elementor Pro theme builder. This allows us to build your site quickly, gives us greater flexibility in design (we do not use pre-made templates), and as it is relatively easy to learn, lets you take over whatever level you want to do on updates yourself. NOTE that, whereas we maintain your website for free, updates to the content are charged at the standard $20 per hour.
If your website is in a different platform and you just need us to update it we can do that.
If you want a website hand coded in html we can do that but be aware that process is far more labor intensive and will cost you far more in design time.
All work on your website is included. This includes initial styling and UX design of your content and look, and all work on the server.
We provide Smart Slider Profor all of our websites, free of charge to you. We build many of the special visual features we use on our websites in the plugin.
Work can include:
Registering or transferring domain name
Setting up your hosting web-space or transferring it to our server if you need that.
Reviewing content for clean, simple text, and tightening up the flow of information across your site, called UX or user experience design.
SEO optimization to help people find you on the web.
Development of images. Images are very important to help people see who you are at a glance and to drive them to read and remember your content.This can be very time consuming which is why we request you to send good quality images. We can fix up poor quality images but this eats into your design hours.Your logo is an important part of this. If you have your logo in a vector format, this is the best. That would typically be an .AI, EPS, SVG or .PDF. If you only have it in a JPG or PNG please send us the largest file you have. We can fix your logo up or redraw it in Illustrator if needed.If you don’t have images, we can find them for you (again, this takes up your design time). What is even better is if you send us the links to images you think might work well if you don’t have your own images You can access thousands of royalty free, public domain images on websites like PixBay, Pexels, Unsplash, Pixnio, FreeImages, and the like. (Be sure to note that most of these websites also include images where you need to purchase the license. On each site there is a way to search for just free images if you prefer).
Providing emails. NOTE that most servers provide free forwarded emails which have your domain name on the end of the email but are forwarded to an account you already have, like a gmail or yahoo acount or something like that. You can also get emails with their own database that you can sign into. These typically have a monthly fee attached to them.
Maintenance of your website is free forever.
Maintenance includes:
Updating plugins, themes and WordPress about once a month or more.
Updating your database when needed. If you are hosted somewhere other than us you will receive the emails telling you that. You need to notify us when you receive them and we will update your database for you. In order to do that we will need your login information.
Small changes to your website that take less than 10 minutes.
Repairs to anything that breaks on your website.
Resources to help you
We have a few blog pieces to help you understand the process better and gather all the pieces we need to create you a beautiful functional website in a timely cost effective manner.
what we need
What we need to Design your website
This is the information we need in order to design a website for your ministry/organization: 1. Login for your Domain na ...
TECH Team’s mission is to provide professional and affordable services specific to the needs of like-minded ministries, churches, and organizations around the world to enable them to spread the gospel more effectively.
We have an established policy of only providing our services and products to like-minded organizations. Please see our Eligibility section to learn more.
Get INvolved and help make an impact on the world. TECH Team focuses on helping missions and churches spread the gospel and build the body of Christ more effectively.
TECH Team relies on donations and sponsorships for funds in order to continue providing professional and affordable services specific to the needs of like-minded missionaries, churches, and Christian organizations around the world.
File Upload
For ease of uploading you can zip all of your files into one folder. (Select your files, right click and select ‘compress’ or ‘zip’) Each upload has a 2 GB limit. Be sure and tell us in the message line who the file is for. Do not close the page until the file upload is complete.
See our Template Page to download Templates if you wish to create your own design (Please see our Graphic Guidelines for how to prepare your files and how to Zip files.)
Upload elements for your design OR upload your finished design.
If you have any questions please contact us at gsorders@techteam.org or call us at 903-757-4530