How to Donate a Vehicle to TECH
Would you like to donate a vehicle to TECH?
TECH Team Advantage is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Therefore, if you donate a vehicle to TECH, it may be eligible to be claimed by the donor as a tax exempt gift! We encourage anyone interested in donating a vehicle to contact your tax advisor for any questions you may have.
If you would like to donate a vehicle to TECH, we ask you to provide a clear title. We also ask you to deliver the vehicle to our Longview location. However, we do accept vehicles without a proper title and we offer free pickup if needed.
If you donate a vehicle that is more than 12-13 years old, has more than 100,000 miles on it, or is not drivable, TECH still benefits from your donation! Vehicles failing to meet the age, mileage, or condition requirements will be sold. All proceeds go towards purchasing tools, equipment, and parts to keep our lease fleet in proper and safe operating condition.
According to IRS regulations, if the value of your vehicle is greater than $5,000, you should acquire a written appraisal before you donate a vehicle. Please visit and view Publication 561 for details.
If you would to join our mission as we minister to missionaries across the world, please contact us at! Our team members would be happy to assist you. You may read an Adobe Acrobat PDF file created by the IRS (Pub 4303) as it relates to IRS regulations for vehicle donations effective January 1, 2015.
Please visit this link to fill out the form for donating a vehicle:
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