What does a future missionary look like?
As the world around us continues to change, we find ourselves asking the question, “What does a future missionary look like?” One of the first missionaries we read about in the Bible was the demon-possessed man who lived in the region of the Gerasenes in Mark chapter 5. You remember the pig story, right? After […]
Websites vs. Domain Names
We often have clients asking us to explain the difference between websites vs. domain names. It can get confusing! So, we decided to write a blog post about it! In short, your ministry or mission organization needs both a website and a domain name. You can’t have one without the other! What’s a website? A […]
TECH’s DBA change and the TECH Team Blog
After a lot of brainstorming and even more prayers, we are excited to announce we have a TECH Team blog. Through this blog we desire to make our resources easily accessible to mission organizations and ministries in need of technical support as we aim to glorify God and make disciples of Jesus Christ! The Story […]