As the year comes to an end, we wanted to take the time to acknowledge the prayers God answered in 2022!
Prayer of Jabez: “Oh that You would bless me and expand my territory! Please be with me in
all that I do, and keep me from trouble and pain!” And God granted him his request.
…but did Jabez know that God granted him his request?
Oftentimes, we only see what we don’t have and fail to recognize everything we do have. We overlook everything God has granted us here at TECH!
Full-Time Staff
For example, we lack full-time staff. We see it as a detriment, a setback to accomplishing more for the kingdom of God. However, when we look back at our history, this has actually been the most productive year we’ve had in the past 15 years and the best we have ever had in Facilities Solutions!
We can’t help but ask ourselves…has God answered our prayers in a different way?
We’ve heard it said, “If you can explain it, then God is not in it.”
Judges 7:2 says, “You have too many people for me to hand the Midianites over to you, or else you might brag: I did it myself.”
In fact, if you were to visit our headquarters in Longview, TX, it’s likely you’d notice how many people are not in the office! Yet God is using TECH Team around the globe to help expand His kingdom. We’re very blessed to have a number of volunteers who use their unique skills to accomplish God’s purposes!
Again, we ask…has God answered our prayers?
We are thankful for the opportunity to pause each day and specifically turn our attention to our
Savior! We’re getting to work shoulder-to-shoulder with folks who serve with the same purpose in mind & heart. We all long for others to see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven! What a blessing!
Our Culture
We are blessed with a unique niche of ministry in that we get to provide professional, technical services at a very low cost. We continue to see a steady request for help which clearly indicates we still have a place in serving the kingdom.
One of our main goals at TECH Team is to maximize kingdom dollars. Every single day, we have the privilege of witnessing the creativity of God in His kingdom work. The mission organizations we serve and how they spread the gospel is always fascinating. We are seeing God’s hand move in so many ways it is hard to communicate!
It’s easy to look back and see the numbers…but if that is all we see, then we have served with the wrong motives.
God’s kingdom work is about people, not numbers. If we get caught up in just solving problems and helping with solutions to churches and mission organizations then we have missed our calling.
All that to say, we do believe God has answered our prayers in the way He sees best fit! We are grateful for that! It doesn’t always make sense from an earthly perspective, but because He has been faithful in the past, we can trust He’ll remain faithful in the future. There’s no doubt about that!
At TECH Team Advantage, we are about making disciples and expanding the kingdom. If we lose that perspective we are just doing a job. We look forward to standing on the banks of the river of life eating the fruit that is produced each month with folks that are there because of our efforts here.
We’re incredibly thankful for the opportunity to serve in God’s kingdom. We are blessed that He let us in on it!
By His grace we will continue to serve the purpose of God well in our own generation!
…and we will continue giving Him praise for the intentional & soul-touching ways He chooses to answer our prayers, trusting that He knows what is best!