Acts 21:18-20 records for us the Apostle Paul’s report to the Jerusalem church, “The next day Paul went to meet with James, and all the elders of the Jerusalem church were present. After greeting them, Paul gave a detailed account of the things God had accomplished…through his ministry. When they heard this, they praised God.”
With 2021 coming to a close, we find ourselves eager to report to you about everything God has accomplished through this ministry so we, too, can praise God together!
In this newsletter you will find a report from each of our solution areas, highlighting one of their projects that stood out this year, as well as a small glimpse of what God has taught us through that project/service.
As we pause and reflect on the past year, we are, yet again, blown away by God’s movement amongst our staff and volunteers in order to accomplish His purposes. His goodness can be seen clearly through His sustaining provisions, daily care, guiding counsel, and outpouring of grace that helps us as we serve each other and serve our clients. We anticipate having 400+ projects (divided amongst 200 clients) under our belt by the end of this year!
In the words of one of our staff members, “It’s all about Jesus!”
Facility Solutions
Nine years ago, our engineers and architects at TECH designed a Family Life Center for French Camp Presbyterian Church located in French Camp, Mississippi. The final construction documents were completed in 2016, and we are thrilled to announce the project officially came to a close this past spring.
The 4,600 square foot building includes a Fellowship Hall, 10 classrooms, restrooms, and a kitchen that can serve 500+ individuals!
We chose to highlight this specific project in Facility Solutions because it reminds us of God’s steadfastness. Our team members journeyed alongside our clients at French Camp and stayed with them for the long-haul. In the same way, God walks alongside us and stays close with plans of finishing the good work He began in us!
Media Solutions
Our Media Solutions team had the unique opportunity to both design and create indoor signage for a church right here in East Texas! Living Water Church (located in Gladewater, TX) is dedicated to serving single parents. In hopes of creating an open, welcoming, and kid-friendly environment for single parents and their children, our team members chose to utilize perforated window film in their design to preserve as much natural light as possible.
We firmly believe God has our “home base” in Longview, TX for His purposes! As we continue growing and navigating the new and exciting changes happening in our ministry, we desire to be intentional about serving the people around us and expand our local outreach. This project was a sweet reminder of the work God is doing right here in our corner of the world that we are thankful to be a part of!
Software Solutions
Our team in Software Solutions designed a phone app for No Greater Joy, an organization based off 3 John 1:4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth.”
This app (designed for both Android and iOS) has no words, and it mimics the organization’s “Good and Evil” storybook found on their website. It’s a graphic novel that shares the Gospel of Jesus Christ…in more than 50 languages!
Vehicle Solutions
We had more vehicle lease requests this year than we had vehicles to lease! At one point, there were a dozen missionaries and/or churches who were either on hold waiting for a vehicle or whose request we had to decline because every single vehicle we owned was being leased. By God’s grace, we were able to purchase two vans!
We have also started a new program called “Benefits for Churches Campaign” to encourage churches (or individuals) to donate toward our fleet so we can continue meeting vehicle leasing needs. We are offering churches 1 free week of vehicle use per year for every $1,000 given, whether it’s a cash donation or value of a donated vehicle.
This vehicle shortage has reminded us of the importance of asking for help and being open to receiving gifts from our brothers and sisters in Christ. The need for vehicles to lease is apparent, and we look forward to seeing what God has in store for Vehicle Solutions!
We are very thankful for the unique niche God has given TECH that plays into His overall plans and purposes. He is moving in profound ways at TECH and blessing our efforts around the globe as we seek to advance His Kingdom here on earth.
We cannot do what we do without the financial support of those who believe in our mission! As you continue traveling this road with us, we ask that you remain open to the Holy Spirit’s movement in your heart in regards to how you might partner with us in reaching people around the globe with the Good News of the Gospel. Someday we will be shoulder to shoulder praising Jesus with folks that are in God’s eternal kingdom because of our efforts here. Our desire is to urgently press on as we look to bring God glory each time we have the opportunity to serve.
If you feel led to financially invest in TECH Team Advantage and share in our reward, we would be delighted! We continue to increase our fleet of vehicles and are desiring to make upgrades to our facility. Thank you for considering this opportunity.